Step into meditation in 3 simple steps!
The popularity of meditation has increased vastly in the last number of years, meditation has real value for us mentally, physically and physiologically, as well as improving long-term wellbeing. So how do you build a regular empowering meditation routine? It’s about settling into the habitual use of meditation slowly and gradually. Particularly so you don’t get fed up with it, or try it once and then think that this is not for me.
But if I could just gently remind you, the benefits of a regular meditation routine over time are far-reaching. Meditation benefits you not just while you meditate, but also as you go through your day. Keeping you more grounded, more present and less in your thoughts. Thus impacting your daily wellbeing levels long after you have completed your meditation. So here is a very simple set of rules to help you if you feel you would like to introduce a meditation routine into your day-to-day life, but your just not sure where to start.
Firstly, an important point to be aware of before you begin this process is this. When working to create any type of new habit, requires planning ahead, making space for the new routine, and being fully committed and motivated to achieve your end goal. While also giving yourself permission to enjoy the process of the journey along the way. So it’s about creating a proactive plan to weave a meditation routine into your life, giving yourself permission to make it a priority, and making space to allow yourself to experience the process. Don’t judge it, measure it or think “am I doing this wrong” just go with it.
So the 3 essential steps to build your own meditation routine are:
Find a space where you can be still and uninterrupted, that can be anywhere such as your back garden, in the bath, in bed just before you go to sleep at night, or just after you have woken up in the morning. Think of your day and your own environment, and what spaces come to mind as a good space for you. You can sit or lie down for your meditation, it’s what feels most appropriate for you.
Next, if you can choose a time that works best for you given your day-to-day commitments and routines, then initially while you settle into a meditation practice start with a short meditation of 10/15 mins. Don’t put any pressure on yourself, just try and be present in the moment, focus on slowing your breathing down, and ease the tension in your body.
And if there was a top tip for you as you begin your new meditation practice it’s this: get comfortable with being still, one of the biggest challenges around meditation is settling into letting our bodies be still. If you are the type of person that is constantly on the move, settling into stillness may be a challenge at first. My advice is don’t fight it. Just start with sitting still for 5 mins, and then gradually build up to 10/15/20 and finally 30 mins of meditation.
If you would like a simple meditation to start with there is a really good starter meditation is the Body Scan Mindfulness Meditation by Jon Kabat Zinn which is on youtube and can be accessed by clicking here.
Let me know how you get on with stepping into meditation. And remember building wellbeing, supports you day to day to feel good within to deal with the world without.
If you wish, for advice or support about your next best steps – email me directly at or check my personal growth and transformation Membership Community here. If you would prefer to listen to my podcast you can get the latest episodes here.