Finding what you are looking for in 2024

I was out on my morning walk a few days ago and U2’s song “I still haven’t found what I am looking for” popped up on my playlist. And as I walked and listened to it, I started thinking. What do we do in those moments and those times when we feel lost, when we feel we are still looking for that thing that will make the difference for us. How do we manage that thought or feeling. And the first realisation from my perspective was this. You find what you are looking for, get unstuck or feel less lost by getting to know yourself better! By taking time to be more present for you, taking pause and considering how you are feeling, reflecting on what you are doing, you can give yourself a really good starting point to work from. 


Mind, Body & Soul

Spend time doing work on yourself mind, body and soul. Ask yourself the following questions, where are you right now, whats working and whats not, where do you want to get to or what do you want to shift. What’s important for you right now. If it helps create your top 5 things you would like to address. Write these down, journal about each of them, what these changes would mean to you, how creating these changes will make you feel. Use these thoughts as your motivators to make those changes. Then set an active intention to work towards your desired outcome and stay connected and committed to this daily. Create and implement simple action steps that are going to support those changes you are striving for.   


Your Values and Motivations

Another important aspects of getting to know yourself on a deeper level is to know your values and your motivators. Have a key set of values to use as a benchmark for yourself when making important decisions for your life. This is an essential aspect of making more self-supporting and affirming choices and decisions for yourself. What are your personal values and how close do your life wishes, daily actions and behaviours align to those. How close do your desired goals and changes align with your values. What might you need to let go of, adapt or rephrase to make your wishes and outcomes more value based. 


Your Heart Wishes:

Alongside being more deeply aligned with your personal values is the essential aspect of knowing what you wish for on a heart level. What & who do you love. What are the things that you really put your heart into? What activities do you love to do. What type of people do you love being around. What is it about your life that you love. How much do you love working on those outcomes you are working towards? Can you be really honest with yourself and be really present for how things feel for you on a heart level. All those expressions like “my heart wasn’t in it” or “the thought of doing that makes my heart sink” tells us that we feel everything we do on a heart based level. The more we can be present with that feeling and align ourselves to our hearts wishes the more energy and vitality we have. The important thing to say here is that even if your job is a job that you don’t really love, just be sure to make time to do those things you feel drawn to do or love doing outside of work. Find that balance and bring your heart into your daily activities. Think about your week ahead, what are some things you would love to do. Can you plan to do some of those over the next few weeks. 


Listen to your Body

In acknowledgement of that mind body soul connection the next important aspect is taking time to get to know your body. How often would you push yourself to do something even when your body may have been sending you signals that you need rest. Can you be more present with your body and the messages it sends you. Think for a moment what does your body need from you in 2024. Do you tune into your body on a regular basis to reflect on how your body is feeling. How often do you tune into your body’s sensations/tensions and signals. How could you start to be more present with what your physical body needs. Sometimes it is simply little tweaks that can help your body. Think for a moment how can you slow your pace down, check the rate and depth of your breathing, do you need more sleep, or do you crave a nice slow walk in nature. The more you can be present with your body and the signals it sends you the better you can treat it. We all need tender loving care mind, body and soul.  


Know your Soul-self!

In that trio of mind, body and soul. I think soul is the one aspect of ourselves that is less concrete and a little harder to lean into. And yet it is an innate aspect of every one of us. How well do you know your soul self! How do you tune into your souls inner whispers. One key aspect of being able to tune into your souls inner whispers is to try more regularly to do those things that your heart loves. Do those things that fill you up from the inside out. Listen to those inner yearnings to go on that walk in nature, go to that far off place, reach out to a friend for a chat, all of those little gentle whispers of suggestions. Take time to bring them out in the open, don’t dismiss them, or give yourself a reason why you can’t do those things. Instead think how you can weave them into your life. Also getting to know your soul is allowing yourself to lean into your intuition. Can you be present with those gut feelings you get, can you pause and get out of your head and be more present around how things feel on a gut and intuitive level. Also can you take more time to be present for the signs all around you, look and listen for all the messages that come to you on a daily basis. Maybe its the lyrics of a song you hear, those exact words that you needed to hear at that time. Maybe its hearing a conversation that offers advice that you needed. Take time to be present for all those universal energies and synchronicities that are around you. So can you slow down and connect more with the universal energies that surround you. Pause, listen and observe and see what you notice. Deepen your soul connection and intuition through actively listening to your internal gentle whispers, gut feelings, doing more meditation and being more mindful of your energy states. Notice when they shift and change and reflect on what might be causing that. 


Lift your Vibration

Know your vibrational state! If you are looking to bring in new opportunities and possibilities to your life in 2024 make sure your vibrational state is one that is going to allow that. How do you talk to yourself on a daily basis, do you lift yourself up, or are you your worst critic. Do you have belief in your capacity to create that life you wish for yourself. The more self supporting you can be and the more deeply you believe in good things coming to you the higher your energy state and vibrations are. So think about your default energy state. How can you become your own best supporter. Can you create some self affirming mantras and self supporting pep talks to help you feel more elevated and energised. Believe that good things are coming to you, see the good things in your life currently, create a practice of daily gratitude and see all the good around you. Its easy to focus on the negative aspects of life but its also important to be able to see the balance in our lives. Be able to see the negative but also actively seek out and acknowledge the positives also.  You can raise your vibrational state in 2024 by fostering deeper Belief, Gratitude and Love. All of which help nurture an abundance mindset and a positive energetic state. Which in turn enable you to live life from a much more energetic and positive state of being. 

So pause for a moment and remember this by taking time to be more present for you, taking pause and considering how you are feeling, reflecting on what you are doing, considering what you can be doing to support and affirm yourself daily, you can give yourself a really good starting point to work from as you strive to find what you are looking for in 2024.

 If you would like some support in finding what you are looking for in 2024, I offer wellbeing and soul sessions to help you create a routine that will support you and help you tap more deeply into your inner zen and unfolding life journey. You can find out more about that here. If you are looking for somewhere to start why not try using my Personal Growth Journal to start your process of growth and expansion here. Or if you would like to have a free initial chat email me at and we can arrange that.

Until next time

Love & Light

ML x

ML Devitt

Marie-Louise is a Spiritual Life Coach and Creative, Author and podcaster. She is passionate about personal and spiritual growth and loves to support her coaching clients along their spiritual growth journey. She is also an budding photographer and will share a range of posts which draw on all these aspects of her work.

Personal growth as a playful journey!


Tapping into your Inner Zen for 2024